What is green hosting or green hosting?

We could say that a “green hosting” is one that consumes energy from exclusively renewable sources, that is, it does not generate carbon emissions as it could if it consumed energy from fossil fuels.

At Professional Hosting we have been using renewable energy in our servers for years and we have recently received the certificate from the Green Web Foundation that accredits it.

How do you know if your website is in a green hosting company?

In addition to checking with your hosting provider’s customer service team, you can check it yourself by entering your website address in https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/green-web-check/

After checking, if your website is hosted with Profesional Hosting you will obtain a positive result, and you will see a logo with the “green hosted by ProfesionalHosting” certificate that you can add and display on your website.

Why do web pages or servers generate emissions?

The websites and applications that we use in our daily lives require a server that processes requests to transmit information to our devices (computers, laptops, mobile phones and all types of devices with an internet connection).

That is, every time we open a web page or an application, regardless of the device, the server consumes a minuscule amount of energy. But the sum of all the queries of all the users and all the devices that are made per day ends up representing a considerable amount of energy.

Server recycling

In addition to the emissions produced during the use of servers, their manufacturing entails a certain ecological impact, similar to that of other electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers. Therefore, intelligent and efficient management of them can make a big difference in their effect on the environment.

It is necessary to strike a balance between taking advantage of their useful life to a reasonable extent and having an updated inventory of servers, which will consume less energy than older models.

At Profesional Hosting, we renew our fleet of servers periodically, not only to offer an updated and quality service, but to ensure reasonable energy consumption.

Replaced servers, if they are still useful for other less intensive tasks, are reused, stored for a period of time, or eventually recycled if they have reached the end of their useful life.

Offset the carbon footprint

Although our server data centers do not consume fossil fuel energy, there is always room for improvement in other areas.

For this reason we contribute to reforestation projects, methane capture, prevention, etc. For each hosting plan contracted on our website, we make contributions through ecologi.com in all types of projects in favor of the environment.

  • We have contributed 1360 trees to different campaigns
  • We have founded 3 projects.
  • We have contributed to reducing 2 tons of CO2.

Can we do something else?

Always! Here creativity plays an important role.

For example, promoting teleworking is a measure that helps avoid the pollution generated by individual trips to the workplace. At Profesional Hosting, 100% of the team has been teleworking since 2020 and holds meetings mostly by video call.